The 16th International Portafold & Ansfold Gathering) (i.e. 2025)

Our annual gathering will be returning to the Newbury Retrofestival.

*** New for 2025 - Arrive from 9am on Thursday and stay till Monday lunchtime ***

So put the dates 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th of August 2025 in your diary now and get those dates booked off work early.

Show Address: Newbury Showground, Priors Court, Hermitage, Thatcham, West Berkshire, RG18 9QZ

Don't book direct with the show organisers it will cost you more money, just contact me (07771544419) to get your pitch saved.

stub axle damaged

Any questions about maintenance or the restoration of your Portafold or Ansfold.
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stub axle damaged

Post by fredzey » Sun, 27 May 2012, 4:52 pm

The threads on my nearside stub axle on my portafold are stripped badly. Anyone know where I can get a replacement????

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Re: stub axle damaged

Post by txfsealord » Mon, 28 May 2012, 8:55 pm

Hi Denis,

I don't know where another stub-axle could be obtained, sadly. Your axle could be repaired in several ways, none of them straightforward I'm afraid.

If working with the axle still on the caravan, you'd have to hand-file the remains of the old thread away until the axle-end was reasonably cylindrical & something approximating to a threadable diameter. Then you could use a hand-held die to cut another, smaller thread. I think this is how I'd choose to repair it if I had no machinery to help me out. As long as the bearing's nut isn't overtightened, there isn't very much tensile load on the threaded part of the stub-axle during running.

Do you own or have access to a lathe? A much better repair would be to remove the trailing-arm from the axle-tube & press the old stub-axle out of it. Then turn up a new stub, for a good-as-new repair. (Some of the axles had their stubs welded into a counterbore in their trailing-arms, these can be removed by flush-grinding the weld & pressing the stub inwards). It might well be possible to do some half-measure such as turning up a new threaded part, boring this to the (reduced) size of the axle-end, sliding it on & then welding it in place. Any such repair is always going to be 'iffy' though, the best would be the new stub-axle in the old trailing-arm.

Another possibility is dispensing with the Rubery Owen tubular torsion-bar suspension altogether & fitting a pair of Indespension units. These are of uninspiring quality to say the least, compared with Rubery's offering which is quite nice by caravan standards. But it would get you out there for this summer, without having to Get Technical with anything very much. You could then refurbish the proper axle at your leisure.

I'm sorry that I can't see an 'easy fix' for this one. I hope there's a suggestion here you might find helpful. Let us know how you get on, please.

Steve Lord

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Re: stub axle damaged

Post by fredzey » Tue, 19 Jun 2012, 9:48 pm

At the moment the stub axle has been left with a local engineering firm who hopefully will manufacture a new axle.

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Re: stub axle damaged

Post by fredzey » Thu, 05 Jul 2012, 9:06 pm

Just got the newly machined stub axle back today. Total cost £95. It will go back on the caravan tomorrow.

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Re: stub axle damaged

Post by txfsealord » Fri, 06 Jul 2012, 4:41 am

Ouch, I feel for you. But you've chosen the best repair possible, good on you. If everyone took your approach, many more of these caravans would have survived. Thanks for the updates you've posted.



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Re: stub axle damaged

Post by fredzey » Tue, 14 Aug 2012, 10:44 am

Just got back from the portafolds maiden voyage. A week in the highlands of scotland. A total of 800 miles on the new stub axle. The first of many outings I think :) :) :)

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Re: stub axle damaged

Post by txfsealord » Tue, 14 Aug 2012, 3:02 pm

Excellent! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. The most expensive repair, is often the cheapest in the long run. There's nothing like wondering if a wheel is gonna fall off, to spoil the pleasure of good holiday motoring.



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