The 16th International Portafold & Ansfold Gathering) (i.e. 2025)

Our annual gathering will be returning to the Newbury Retrofestival.

*** New for 2025 - Arrive from 9am on Thursday and stay till Monday lunchtime ***

So put the dates 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th of August 2025 in your diary now and get those dates booked off work early.

Show Address: Newbury Showground, Priors Court, Hermitage, Thatcham, West Berkshire, RG18 9QZ

Don't book direct with the show organisers it will cost you more money, just contact me (07771544419) to get your pitch saved.

Roof lifting when windy!!!

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Roof lifting when windy!!!

Post by vauxhallbitz » Sun, 04 Jul 2010, 9:55 pm

Had our Portafold at the 21st Scottish Ford Day this weekend and experienced a slightly worrying situation.

During a particularly strong gust of wind the roof lifted at the front enough to come out of the clips allowing the front to fall forwards slightly. Luckily we were in the van and were able to reclip it without any damage I just wondered if anyone else has experienced the same problem.

I think it might be because our leather straps were not tight enough at the time but it just goes to show the force of the wind and what could have happened had we not been with the van at the time.

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Re: Roof lifting when windy!!!

Post by Admin » Mon, 05 Jul 2010, 9:27 am


Thanks for 'raising' this point. :roll: I can't stress enough to everyone how important it is to have your straps done up at all times.

During my many conversations with owners I know of several people who have learnt this lesson. I know of one Portafold that lost its roof on the motorway as one side had a loop staple missing. And several that have had their roof fly off in a gust of wind when being erected or packed away. I never put mine up unless I have extra helpers to hang on for dear life to the front and back of the roof, just in case.

An extra thing I should mention is that I have an extra loop staple on the top of my front wall. Which means I can strap down the front of my roof by putting a strap round it and the front lifting handle. I'll get a picture of it sometime to show you.

Also, when travelling, I also strap down the front leading edge of my roof with a long strap. In other words I use a cheap ratchet type strap round the front lifting handle down to round the A frame. Just in case it should suddenly decide it wants to take off when I driving.
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Re: Roof lifting when windy!!!

Post by bigbird » Mon, 05 Jul 2010, 10:11 am

Absolutely Matthew, living on an Island, wherever we camp over here, it's usually blowing a gale! When we camp or drive, we always have rubber (yacht style) straps to hold the roof on either side and as Matthew does, we also have a ratchet strap that attaches from the back lifting handle to the A frame. I'll be interested to see how Matthew holds down the front end because as yet we have nothing on that side, although, so far we have been in some pretty awful weather and it's held. I would be far happier to have that fourth option!! :think:
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Re: Roof lifting when windy!!!

Post by vauxhallbitz » Mon, 05 Jul 2010, 11:33 am

Hello all,

Points taken however this happened when the van was erected on site and we were inside having a cuppa!


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Re: Roof lifting when windy!!!

Post by Admin » Mon, 05 Jul 2010, 7:29 pm

In that case you may need an extra loop staple like mine has then! Picture on the way.
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Re: Roof lifting when windy!!!

Post by Inky » Thu, 08 Jul 2010, 9:48 pm

Sounds like the hold down clips losing their strength due to age/springs weakening etc. like mine. On mine only 1 out of the 4 works which is why i'm making new ones of my own design.

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Re: Roof lifting when windy!!!

Post by Ian » Fri, 12 Nov 2010, 1:20 pm

Note to Chauffeur:

Smithers, I note that the roof of one's Portafold is showing signs of having pattered up and down a bit in the 80mph breeze that rattled through one's country seat, last night - better keep the old Bentley below 75 next time we tow the Portafold down to Henley, what. :lol:

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