There isn't a huge number of moderators that administer the forum, it's just me.
And we're not a club, we're just a bunch of like-minded Portafold enthusiasts. Clubs invariably involve committees, meetings, annual subscriptions, AGM's, and usually end up with internal squabbling and back-biting. Hence, the forum is a fully democratically run organisation for the benefit of everyone. But, it's owned by me, run solely by me, and paid for solely by me. I'm 100% in control, and what I say goes...

There are no subscriptions to join, no fee for joining us on any of our show stands (other than the normal show entry) and I promise that this site and forum will always be 100% free from adverts, banners and sponsors. You'll find no locked parts of the forum, there's no 'members only' sections like you find on other forums, and all the topics on the forum are open to be read by the general public who are not members.
Have fun, chat, discuss, and enjoy the fruits of our labour.