Found a supplier for the 4 rubber coated vertical foam corner strips for the Portafold. Mine were well past their best, either splitting or perishing at the ends. Found a small trade stall at my local show (Scottish vintage vehicle show, Glamis) who had a sample board with all types of foam covered rubber section. The one i chose and ordered was fractionally thicker, but as it turns out this is better anyway. Received a length of 5 metres today and fitted in about 20 minutes. 4 metres would have done, but i've got a spare metre now.
Here's his adress Mr G. Watson, Key Restoration Services, 8 Derwent View, Brackenholme Business Park, Nr Selby, North Yorks YO8 6EL
Telephone 0775 3856092
No website, as speaking to him he seems to be busy enough attending all the shows in the year.
Cost £4.20 metre + carriage Part number to Quote SCR026