The 16th International Portafold & Ansfold Gathering) (i.e. 2025)

Our annual gathering will be returning to the Newbury Retrofestival.

*** New for 2025 - Arrive from 9am on Thursday and stay till Monday lunchtime ***

So put the dates 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th of August 2025 in your diary now and get those dates booked off work early.

Show Address: Newbury Showground, Priors Court, Hermitage, Thatcham, West Berkshire, RG18 9QZ

Don't book direct with the show organisers it will cost you more money, just contact me (07771544419) to get your pitch saved.

Interior Roof Lining

Any questions about maintenance or the restoration of your Portafold or Ansfold.
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Interior Roof Lining

Post by AMc » Sun, 16 Mar 2014, 2:48 pm


I bought a PF in January. It has an emulsion painted internal roof which is peeling pretty badly in places. Having started to gently scrape this away - most of it falling off as soon as you touch it, there is a thicker layer underneath which is has a rougher feel to it. Not sure what it is but it is pretty thick and shows signs of previous mildew but I think it is definitely paint - just hope it isn't distemper! (Used sugar soap on the rest of the internal part of the van and it came up a treat.) In some small places this second thicker layer has flicked off and is displaying the fibreglass (I assume) which is the same colour as the lockers (a dirty cream colour). Basically should I continue scraping this first layer or leave it alone or, should I line it with something - was thinking of very thin felt and if I do, will I have problems with adhesion because of the layer underneath? Also if the thicker layer comes of any more will this cause a problem? The walls have also been painted with what looks like gloss but are in OK condition, i.e., not flaking (for now).

My other problem is the lock. There is no key which I can understand I can get a replacement latch with key - tried to get the barrel open to see the serial number but it is well rusted and can't find anywhere on it with a number. The internal belt buckle lock doesn't return properly. Can anyone suggest a way of either releasing the movement so it moves smoothly (it is mostly plastic) or where I could get a replacement for it?

Sorry for rambling on but I don't want to ruin it before I get too involved in it.

All ideas welcome as long as the cure is not massively expensive - am on a tight budget.

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Re: Interior Roof Lining

Post by vforbes » Sat, 29 Mar 2014, 10:41 am


Congrats on the new Portafold ownership. I would suggest scraping everything off the internal roof - I used a wire wheel on a power drill (though make sure you wear mask and goggles). That way you can make sure you have definitely gt rid of any damp and mildew. It'll be a long job, but well worth it for piece of mind. Then I recommend 'Veltrim'. You can find it quite cheaply on Ebay. I bought a nice beige colour so that the van didn't look too dark. It's best if you take the roof off and lay it upside down (I had some old mattresses spare to protect it), then stretch and work the fabric into shape. A lot of sellers of veltrim on Ebay also include the high heat spray adhesive, which is amazing stuff. Very strong.

Hope that helps, do look at my thread on 'portafold restoration' to get pictures of what I mean.

Can't help with the lock though.

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Re: Interior Roof Lining

Post by txfsealord » Wed, 02 Apr 2014, 9:30 pm

Hi AMc,

You mention a problem with your internal 'belt-buckle' door latch not returning. Does it return OK when the door is open, & not when it's closed? I had this problem on my Ansfold's doorlatch & it was caused by poor hull rigidity! I discovered that if I stood an arm's length from the door when I shut it from inside, the latch closed well. It was only when I stood next to the door, like a normal human being would, that the latch wouldn't work, & this was caused by my weight flexing the caravan's hull slightly so its parts didn't line up. The hull's very shallow where the cutout for the door is, & when the 'van's standing on its corner-jacks, any weight in the doorway readily alters its hull-shape.

I overcame the problem by making a fixed crossmember of lightweight steel tubing to run between the rear pair of jacks. This deepened the hull-structure & stopped it flexing. Of course, your latch-problem may simply be due to a rust-weakened return spring in the latch mechanism! I mention the hull-stiffness point mainly because it isn't the sort of thing people would be looking for.....

Hope this is of interest,

Steve Lord

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Re: Interior Roof Lining

Post by AMc » Mon, 07 Apr 2014, 3:14 pm

Thanks for all the suggestions etc, coz not only am I new to Portafold and completely new to anything related to camping/caravaning etc.

Re the lock - slapped a load of good old WD40 into the lock which released it but wasn't brilliant. Didn't have any oil apart from olive so then soaked the lock in it dried most of it out and it is working now although the external handle is not quite lined up but at least it's working.

Roof - Not looking forward to scraping the roof, but I have some step-children who might be bribed with beer! [They are over 18!]

There are some rather ill-fitting window seals on the inside of the van, not the ones round the actual window, does anyone know if these are original to the windows or have been added for aesthetics because if they have they don't really fit properly so would rather get rid of than keep? If they are part of it then I suppose I will need to re-do.

Thought there was a severe leak as the carpet was soaking wet and I couldn't understand where it was coming from, then I remembered I hadn't closed the door properly one night and it had been raining most of the night. Mystery solved.

Thank you again

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Re: Interior Roof Lining

Post by Admin » Tue, 15 Apr 2014, 3:37 pm


The best thing for all new owners is to come along to the National Gathering in August, it will give you all the advice, tips and tricks you'll need for your Portafold. In fact I'd bring a notepad and pen to try and take notes, I guarantee you'll go home buzzing with ideas and all the knowledge you'll need to tackle the jobs you thought would be impossible!
Wanted: Any original Portafold, Ansfold or Mini-Motel brochures, adverts or magazine articles.
Also, any chassis numbers for the above caravans!

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Re: Interior Roof Lining

Post by AMc » Wed, 14 May 2014, 7:49 pm

Much as the gathering sounds appealing, I have lots of things going on this year with fairs and things so I will have to pass on this occasion.

Decided to give the outside a clean today and found some no water shampoo and wax for £6 at the Original Factory Shop and thought I would give it a go, it's really good stuff and soooooo much easier than that shampoo, water, rinse, polish malarky. I have seen it on Ebay but for a lot more money

Just had to order a rear light. Made the big mistake of opening it up to see if it was damp [rusty water mark running from it]. Rusty, gungy, one light just the bayonet, not sure if the other one works at all. Then realised there was a crack in the other light cover so have cleaned up the old one which was sound and popped that one on.

I have decided to leave the roof for now, so that I can save up some money to have it done properly. Main thing is it's dry so can live with it for a while.

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Re: Interior Roof Lining

Post by Admin » Tue, 21 Feb 2017, 8:44 pm

AMc wrote:
Sun, 16 Mar 2014, 2:48 pm
My other problem is the lock. There is no key which I can understand I can get a replacement latch with key - tried to get the barrel open to see the serial number but it is well rusted and can't find anywhere on it with a number.
To help find your key number there's some help here:

I have brand new lock sets with matching keys in stock: ... ndles.html

Email me to place an order.
Wanted: Any original Portafold, Ansfold or Mini-Motel brochures, adverts or magazine articles.
Also, any chassis numbers for the above caravans!

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