The 16th International Portafold & Ansfold Gathering) (i.e. 2025)

Our annual gathering will be returning to the Newbury Retrofestival.

*** New for 2025 - Arrive from 9am on Thursday and stay till Monday lunchtime ***

So put the dates 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th of August 2025 in your diary now and get those dates booked off work early.

Show Address: Newbury Showground, Priors Court, Hermitage, Thatcham, West Berkshire, RG18 9QZ

Don't book direct with the show organisers it will cost you more money, just contact me (07771544419) to get your pitch saved.

Rubber trim

Any questions about maintenance or the restoration of your Portafold or Ansfold.
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Rubber trim

Post by vauxhallbitz » Sun, 01 Mar 2009, 9:12 pm

Hello all,

At long last my Portafold is about to be painted, however it is two years since I took it apart and I now have a problem with the rubber seals.

I know that there is a U shaped piece of rubber on each end where it meets the side, approximately 1 metre and a bit long.
There is a rubber strip at the bottom of each end where it meets the body (once erected) however I thought there were two strips, one on the body and one on the bottom of the end, they measure approximately 8mm by 19mm and are used to prevent draughts when erected, is there also one on the top of the end where it meets the roof??

I thought I had taken pictures but can't seem to find them, can anyone help?

Lastly is Woolies the best place to get new rubbers. I have looked at their online catalogue and think that R250 is the correct U shaped rubber and 160-4 the nearest for the bottom of the ends.

I hope this makes sense to someone and look forward to a reply,

Regards, Fraser.

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Post by Admin » Mon, 02 Mar 2009, 7:22 pm


I haven't done anything with my seals yet but Gordon did on his before he sold it. Check out his post about some he'd found:


Oh, and Woolies are a good company in general, but whether their rubber trims are the right one for a Portafold I couldn't say...
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Post by vauxhallbitz » Mon, 02 Mar 2009, 8:45 pm

Hello Mathew,

Thanks for that, can you confirm if there are two seals, one on the base and one on the bottom of the side panels, I don't want to put two on incase it is too thick and causes damage to the hinges.


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Post by vauxhallbitz » Tue, 24 Mar 2009, 10:40 pm


Any chance of someone having a look at their van to see if there are two rubber strips between the body and the ends when erected or just the one on the body?? I don't want to put two on incase it damages the hinges

These are the ones that stop the draughts when the van is erected.



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End seals

Post by txfsealord » Fri, 27 Mar 2009, 8:04 pm

Hi Fraser, I haven't answered before as I've got an Ansfold not Portafold. On mine though, there's only one seal, glued to the hull (lower part).

It's not good design to have seals butting up against seals, so it's most unlikely your Portafold was originally equipped with seals on the upper part, as well as the lower.

Hope this helps,

Steve Lord

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Post by vauxhallbitz » Sat, 28 Mar 2009, 5:57 pm

Hello Steve,

Thanks very much for doing that, my recollection is that there were two seals but I was not sure I think you have answered it for me, thanks once again,


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Post by bigbird » Sat, 18 Apr 2009, 7:35 pm

Hi, I need to do something with the cracked seals around my windows, I don't fancy taking the window out, in case there is a problem and one cracks under pressure. Is it feasible, and can I get some sort of black mastic that you can smooth onto the existing seals to maybe make them last longer and fill in the cracks??

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Post by Admin » Sat, 18 Apr 2009, 7:52 pm


If it's any consolation my window seals have got huge cracks (and a gap where the one piece seal on the door window has shrunk), and I've not had any water come in at all.

Is yours water tight?

If not, you could use a tube of black windscreen sealant. I did a similar thing to seal the rear side windows of our old Anglia Estate. I squirted it on and smeared it into a window rubber sort of shape.
Wanted: Any original Portafold, Ansfold or Mini-Motel brochures, adverts or magazine articles.
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Post by bigbird » Sat, 18 Apr 2009, 8:22 pm

Ooo that's a brilliant idea Matthew, I'll do that, they aren't leaking...or at least they don't appear to be, so this will save me a lot! Thank you.

Gordon McLaren
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Portafold seals

Post by Gordon McLaren » Sun, 26 Apr 2009, 7:18 am


just looked at the forum as i still like to see what's happening even though i've now sold my Portafold, and hope i can give an answer to cracked seals and gaps in the rear door window seal.

I used Unibond gutter sealant for the gap in the door window (the gap due to shrinkage was about 1/4 inch), this is flexible and easy to use and is very conveniently black. It takes a few days to harden but looks ok when set and it's easy to pick up from the likes of B & Q etc. :)

cheers Gordon

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